24 June 2011

BeaverS :B

Time had without doubt passed by rather TOO QUICKLY..before i know it, i'd be sitting for a very important exam..needless to say that my nest couple of years would be heavily dependent on it :O That's the first.

As for the second, there's this person who I really like, she knows it rather too well too (after she made me "confess" to her through FaceBook..yes, FACEBOOK!). thinking of her everyday, even had awesome dreams come my way. but that's not how it looks in reality. I'm always left in an awkward position whenever i chat up with her, and she even called me a jerk for "leading another girl on". D: a rather silly situation i'm in..i think. Been trying very hard to forget about her, but i tell you that its impossible. Really.

Thirdly, its been a very long time since i did any sports, let alone go for tennis trainings in school, after i busted my ankle badly during PE. So tempted to go play now :P

Fourthly, i'm dead tired, but i've got loads of work to complete before school opens again next week. *BRAINDEAD*